Use Your Legs to Save a Heart

Wow, has it been awhile or what? I’ve been running like crazy, but certain things make you slow down and appreciate the little things. Hence, me writing to you today.

I transitioned into a new role recently: Recreation Guest Service Manager of Miniature Golf Operations. Yes, Miniature Golf Operations. I’m loving it. I’ve never been one to love mini golf – ask any of my friends. These courses are worth the trip. The Cast  Members behind the magic are great. The themes are fantastic. Moving on…

The Orlando Heart Walk is one week from today. At Water Parks & Miniature Golf we have a volunteer organization that I am a part of called Gators 4 Life. My sister has struggled with a heart murmer since I can remember and one of my grandfathers passed away from a heart attack before I had the honor of meeting him. For these reasons, I strongly suggested that we organize a group to join Disney’s VoluntEARS and the American Heart Association at the Heart Walk in downtown Orlando.

As I sit here with the 9/11 Documentary on the news behind me and hear about all the lives lost for reasons beyond their control, I can’t help but get an even stronger desire to raise money and awareness for critical cardiovascular disease research and education – to save lives that we do have control over.  Heart disease is the #1 killer of women over 25, and I say we get the word out on how to stay healthy. The American Heart Association has made it their goal to improve the cardiovascular health of all Americans by 20% by 2020. You can help.

I am walking in honor of my sister and in memory of my grandfather on 9/17 to raise money for the American Heart Association. If you, too, know someone that benefits from the hard work of the AHA or can find it in your heart to help save someone else’s, please click here. You can sponsor me by clicking on my name and making a secure, tax deductible donation.

I can’t thank you enough for your support.

I’m using my legs to save a heart, what will you be doing next Saturday?

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